Home Groups

Home groups are an essential part of our church life at Carrubbers. Members are encouraged to meet in a more informal setting to study God's word, pray and "do life" together. One of our core values at Carrubbers is our commitment to encouraging a caring community. Home groups are a vital part of the outworking of this important aspect of our ministry. Carrubbers church is divided into several Pastoral Groups which in turn, are represented by one or more home groups, depending on size. Each member is assigned to a home group and encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to be an active part of developing a caring and committed part of the community of believers at Carrubbers. Home groups meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at various homes in and around the city.

We publish a map identifying the various home group locations around the city. If accessibility has been a challenge for you as regards home group attendance, then please have a look at the map and consider attending a group which meets closer to you.

You can view the Bible study in advance of the relevant home group meeting as well as browsing through many past studies.

Home Groups is organised by David Nixon and overseen by Elders.