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W2W Blog: Mission

Sue Rose writes...


At the last Missions Update evening Steve Packwood was heard to say something like ‘serving tea could be mission’ - and of course it must be, as Jesus said something like ‘giving a cup of water to the least of these’ would earn His blessing.  As it happened, that evening I was just back from a weekend serving lots of cups of tea at Forum Scotland (new CU committee members’ training), so it got me thinking.  

My thoughts went a bit like this:  There’s no doubt that students on the frontline witnessing to their friends are ‘on mission’.  So those selected to serve and organise them (committees) are on mission too.  Then the team of older folk (UCCF staff) enabling, teaching and encouraging them (at forum and throughout the year) are on mission too.  So the person in the kitchen feeding them all for the training weekend is on mission too - it won’t happen without her.  But wait - I didn’t speak to anyone new about Jesus, so is that really ‘mission’?

I prefer to think of each level as ‘service’ - loving response to the love of God, in whatever form it takes.  Each playing his/her own part willingly and sacrificially.  There is no hierarchy of service; just one God, one body and one Spirit in us all.  Whatever you are doing today, do it to the glory of God and as if serving Jesus directly.  Does God want those students fed?  Yes, - then it’s worth doing.  Does God want you to do a good job in your place of employment?  Yes, - then it’s worth doing.

Now I’m at SU Easter camp - sitting down pretty much for the first time in 3 days!  I’m the background support but without me they couldn’t be reaching these children with Jesus’ love.  And boy do they need it - a third of the 48 youngsters here have ‘additional needs’.  One child for example is adopted, but is not living with her adoptive parents but with foster parents - who are on holiday so she is living with a friend of theirs who brought her to camp.  Can you imagine how much she needs to know how precious and loved she is to God?

Pray for us!  Pray for the young leaders on the team - and pray for the children who are learning that they are special and valuable to the God who created them.  And give thanks for those who have contributed financially to allow many of these kids to be here!

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