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W2W Blog: Getting to know Nancy Scott

Liz McGregor writes:

Carrubbers is a lively, busy church full of students, children, families, young professionals and people from many parts of the world. You have been a member of the church longer than most of us and so we’d love to get to know you better, to hear what it was like when you first came to the church and to learn from your many years of walking with the Lord.

What brought you to make Carrubbers your church family home and when was that?

As a family we were very involved in a Mission in Glasgow. In 1971, when my husband’s job meant a transfer to Edinburgh we made the move somewhat reluctantly! We visited some other churches in Edinburgh but decided that Carrubbers Close Mission, as it was called in those days, was where the need was greatest and so we came. That was 45 years ago.

What was the church like then? What’s different today? Is there anything you miss from the “old days”?

The congregation was quite small back then and there were just 2 families – ours and one other. And yes, I do miss some of the “old ways” but today I am deeply grateful to the Lord when I see so many families and young people listening to God’s word being taught and the gospel being preached.  I am always thrilled to hear of people deciding to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and to see them grow into a deeper relationship with Him.

Tell us how you became a Christian and what that means to you today all these years later.

I’m very grateful that the gospel, although profound is so simple that a child can understand. I heard the good news through the faithful teaching of a very godly lady who was my Sunday School teacher in Glasgow. On 11th May 1943 I opened my young heart and accepted the Lord Jesus as my saviour. I understood very clearly that God loved me, that Jesus died for my sin on the cross at Calvary, that he imputed to me his righteousness and because of this, I would go to heaven and have eternal life. At this time, in 1943, we were in the midst of World War II and bombs were being dropped on Glasgow. Even as a child, I remember that as I ran to the air raid shelter I knew that God was with me and I had peace in my heart.

We see the name “Scott” mentioned quite a bit in the church bulletin! Tell us about your family.

Mr. Scott and I have 4 children, 3 sons and a daughter and I thank God that my husband, Eric, led them all to the Lord when they were still children. Oh, I am so glad the Lord Jesus himself said “Suffer the little children to come to me for of such is the kingdom of Heaven” Matt. 19: 14. Now they have children and grandchildren!

How has God’s word helped you throughout your life?

My husband always placed God’s word at the foundation of our home life. Children learn most in the home and are influenced most by what takes place in their family life day by day, especially in the relationship between their parents. They first learn about the love of God through the love of their parents.   Of course we made many mistakes but I’m so glad we can keep short accounts with God. If we are willing to confess when we’ve got it wrong and have sinned, he is faithful and will forgive us and cleanse us and we can go forward in that assurance.

Music is big in the Scott family. What’s your favourite hymn and why?

Yes, music has played a big part in our family and God can use the ministry of music to prepare our hearts to hear and respond to God’s word. But it’s really hard to choose a favourite hymn because I have been blessed by so many through the years. One I think of often is “It is well with my soul” and especially the verse that says….

“My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought,
My sin, not in part but the whole
has been nailed to his cross and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, oh, my soul.”

What are some memorable moments in your life when you knew God was very real and precious?

Yes there are lots of memorable moments when God was and still is very real and precious to me. One of them was when God brought my husband into my life – that was very special - and when my children were born through physical birth and also when they were born from above through spiritual birth.

In hard times, how do you hold on to your faith and trust in God?

Sometimes we have to go through hard experiences in life like when you see someone you love suffering and becoming unrecognisable as they near the end of life on earth. Some of our children haven’t had it easy at times but God always sees us through as we learn to trust him with a child like faith. That’s when I feel God is near and precious.

What makes you smile? What brings joy to your heart?

One of the things that brings me joy is when we go off for a special family holiday together.

My favourite holiday place is the Lake District. That’s where my husband took me for our honeymoon and I love it still!   We have had some wonderful times at the Keswick Convention when the children and grandchildren went with us for many years.

Could you share a piece of advice you wished you had worked out earlier?

I wish I had been less anxious at times and remembered every moment of the day that my heavenly Father cares for me.

Finally, what one thing would you like to share with the younger women in Carrubbers to help us become more the women God wants us to be?

I’ve learned that a simple child like faith will carry you through when the going gets hard. He is able to meet your every need every moment of the day. Praise him for all that is past and trust him for all that’s to come.

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