Carrubbers' Blog

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Psalm 24: The King and His Kingdom

"The LORD of hosts, he is the king of glory" declares the Psalmist.  He commands the armies of heaven.  The whole created world is His rightful kingdom: "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein".  Everything you can see, touch, smell belongs to Him.  Even you, yourself belong to Him!  A Dutch Prime Minister and Christian, Abraham Kuyper, once said "There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!" The danger for each one of us is that we unthinkingly and so easily drift into living in God's world as we were kings and queens of our own lives.  We live in our own little kingdoms, competing with others' kingdoms, pursuing our own agendas.  In our families, we get frustrated when others' get in our way and frustrate our plans.  In our cars, we get impatient at the traffic flow that is delaying our journey.  In our workplaces, we can get competitive when others are stealing our glory.  But in one sense, life becomes so much less aggravating when we simply acknowledge that God is our king, and find our place seeking first His kingdom and righteousness, and all the other things we need will be added to us, because the king of glory is the king of generosity, who lacks no supply to meet all demand.

Pray Today:

  • For the teenagers and students continuing with their studies and exams at present to keep trusting in the Lord and seeking first His kingdom.  Pray for the Exodus outreach event on Saturday afternoon as a break from exams and as an opportunity to engage with their friends.
  • For the work of City Tots ministering to young families in the city centre community on Wednesday mornings.
  • For the different SU groups meeting around the city in schools, helping children to find out more and develop in their own understanding about Jesus.

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