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Praying together: Gingerbread Men

Gingerbread men! By Linda Swinson

Wednesday 21st February 2024

“The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

How often have we heard these words said to us?!  They are so familiar as they often read out at communion services.  But how often do we stop and think about what Paul is reminding us of?

Before this passage Paul was telling off the church for overeating at the communion table and causing the food to run out before everyone was fed.  Paul is reminding the church to treat this meal with more reverence and to remember the true meaning behind it.

Recently, I shared this passage with the young folks at One Way Club.  I used gingerbread men as a way of illustrating that the bread of communion represents Jesus dying on the cross to pay the price for our mistakes.  So next time you find yourself enjoying a gingerbread man, thank Jesus for his death on the cross for your sins!

Carla Works reminds us that communion “is not merely a ritual but a powerful testimony to our shared faith and the redemptive work of Jesus.”

Let’s remember that on Sunday evening when we next take communion together at a Carrubbers family.

This week please pray for

  • The follow that will go on this week after last week’s mission weeks in various Scottish universities.
  • For God to strengthen and support the Meszaros family as Jacob undertakes more chemo this week.
  • For the opportunity to have a female apprentice join the CCC team – for the right candidate, for the interview process, and for great blessing in the days ahead.
  • For Eric John and Daniel Moore how are currently in India teaching pastors and preaching the good news in many villages in and around Vijayawada.
  • For the wonderful young people we have coming along every week to our various ministries, on a Sunday and mid week – that they would make a commitment to follow Jesus and that their faith would grow as they grow.
  • For all the volunteers who faithfully serve our church family every week. 
  • For more folks to sign up this Sunday to help share the load and share the blessing of ministry.


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