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Midweek Musings - Jesus Is Alive

Luke 24. An implication of the resurrection. Jesus is Alive!!

He is risen (v5, 6) , ascended (v51) , exalted and by his Spirit (v49; Acts 2) he is living among us and is in us, if we have received him. (John1v13; 14v15-18)

Let's pray for those we meet today and those with whom we will have conversations about this implication – Jesus is alive.

He is alive - so what? The Living Saviour is looking down on the world, he is Lord and he has it all covered.

He is aliveso what? Those who trust him really can have sins forgiven. We can be reconciled to God, we can have peace with God - lives can be changed because sin causes so many problems!

He is alive – so what? Death has been defeated and eternal life is guaranteed. So let's say with Job my redeemer lives...Job19.25-27. Let’s rejoice that we will be raised up on the last day. Jn6.40

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