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W2W Blog: Keep on Running

 Claire Percival writes...

“...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith...” Heb12:1-2

It was all so much easier, more pleasant, and more interesting running in the Cypriot sunshine, along the coastline, and returning to the hotel buffet breakfast. Fast forward a month and I forced myself out of bed to the sound of the ‘April shower’ lashing off my window and bouncing off the road, and followed a familiar route in the pouring rain and chilly wind. My glasses steamed up and were covered in rain, I slipped on the path as I tried to avoid massive puddles, and as I squelched along the riverside, my heart sinking at the thought of the biggest hill ever back up to my house, I wished hard for a return to the halcyon days of holiday exercise. I even fleetingly wondered if it would be so wrong to phone home and ask to be collected...

Life is like that though isn’t it. I mean, we often have times that are going well, and we don’t need to push ourselves or motivate ourselves, or ask for help. Things seem to fall into place, and feel quite easy. Then, it can all change, and become hard, hard work, draining on your emotions and time, and have you floundering around for support. Sometimes pride gets in the way, and we don’t ask for help, sometimes we are just so grateful that we take help in whatever guise it comes.

As I got to the top of the hill on my run, I glimpsed home. I knew I could run that last stretch, and that I would get a warm welcome, and a nice cup of tea, when I opened the front door and wheezed out, ‘I’m home!’. It felt good to shake off the rain and have breakfast with my family. It was warm, and cosy and I was home.

I needed that encouragement, just like I need to remember that I have a role to play in encouraging others as I meet with them, chat with them, spend time with them. And love them. Surely this is the best form of discipleship, friendship, and relationship.

‘God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him’ 1 John 4:16

This earthly race will be hard, but we can help each other through it, keeping our eyes fixed on Him. And we know that we have a warm welcome awaiting us in our heavenly home.

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