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Special Prayer Meeting: October 30th 730-9pm

On Sunday the elders shared how we will be winding up the running of the Cafe Ministry at Christmas.  If you missed the announcement, or would like to read the full reasons behind it, please click here to read more.

Tomorrow night, our fifth Tuesday prayer meeting (730-9pm) is going to be dedicated to praying, dreaming and talking about the future of our ministry in the heart of the city of Edinburgh - the capital city of the great nation of Scotland.  Our desire is to do all we can to spread the fame of Jesus' name and serve for the sake of God's gospel kingdom.  We earnestly want you to dream and journey with us at this exciting and strategically significant moment.  So please come and join as we seek our Father's face in prayer and seek to discern what the Spirit is saying to our church about the future, as we seek to play our part in the ongoing mission of Christ.

The evening will run as follows:

Introduction (730pm): There's something bigger and better than the "2050 Edinburgh City Vision" in the mind and heart of God!

Time For Orientating Ourselves (730-8pm)

  • Prayer Station 1: The Kingdom of God and the Lordship of Christ

  • Prayer Station 2: The Heart of God For The City & Its People

Time Praying For The City (8-830pm)

  •     Prayer Station 3: Gospel Initiatives and Opportunities in the City
  •     Prayer Station 4: Personal Gospel Frontlines Around the City

Time Talking, Praying and Dreaming About Our Future Ministry In This City! (830-9pm)

Here's a sneak peak of the set-up:

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