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Praying With The Trinity

Confession time: as an introvert I don't find it easy starting conversations and one of my fears is that I run out of things to naturally ask or say, resulting in the conversation ending very awkwardly.  I think that many of us also have similar struggles when it comes to conversing and communing with God in prayer.  But here's the amazing thing about praying to the God who is Trinity: we are joining a conversation that has always already been going on between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  We don't have to warm them up or work ourselves up - we can just jump on in!  What's more when we come to God with our needs and requests, then we aren't being annoying or distracting to the Triune conversation - rather a space has already been opened up in the heart of God to receive and answer our prayers.  You see when we make our supplications to God we are actually participating in something that is intrinsic to the divine life shared by the Persons of the blessed Trinity.  Andrew Murray puts it well when he writes:
“Prayer has its rise and its deepest source in the very Being of God.  In the bosom of Deity nothing is ever done without prayer – the asking of the Son and the giving of the Father… there was a way opened up for prayer and its influence in the very inmost life of Deity itself.  Just as on earth, so in heaven the whole relation between Father and Son is that of giving and taking”
The Father always delights in hearing and granting the prayers of His Son - and so too He delights in the prayers of all His children, who through faith and union with Christ are adopted into His family.  We have the privilege to call upon the Father in the name of His beloved Son and with the help of His Spirit.  So what are you waiting for?  Join the conversation and be assured that your requests are pleasing in your heavenly Father's sight.
  • Please Pray for the Latvia team as they head out on Wednesday for their 10 days of mission and music ministry at the Fusion camps.
  • Please Pray for the many international students who were befriended and came into contact with the gospel during the last two weeks of the Edinburgh International Outreach.
  • Please Pray for the preparations underway for our Festival outreach events: the family Puppet shows, the dramatic performances, the Origin music events, and the "There Is Hope" cafe evenings.  Pray that God will use all these endeavours to sow the seeds of the gospel in thousands of lives!

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