Carrubbers is a busy place, both on a Sunday and during the week with ministries to suit many of the needs that we have identified at our church. As well as our Sunday and midweek community lives, we also support ministries elsewhere as well as our sent missionaries.
Carrubbers has always been known for the huge number of ministries that run throughout the week. They range from Sunday service ministry like the music team and welcomers, to the sound guys, hillwalkers to men's and women's groups and street outreach. If you want to find something to get plugged into - Carrubbers is the place.
We have always had a passion for overseas mission and financially support a large number of missionaries as the primary sending church as well as supporting other missionaries in prayer and in any other way we can.
Carrubbers is a busy church. Our building is used throughout the week and to try and keep on top of it all, the vast majority of the events that happen are in our event planner.